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Calm after the storm

a few pieces of seaglass sit in a shell on a beach, the shoreline in the background

In the past decade Grace Gayden has dealt with many, many stressors, including caring for a chronically ill parent and the death of her mum. Her baseline stress level has been so high for so long, that she feels forever changed by the experience. Now that the waters have receded, Grace begins to process how she has changed and grown.

Grandparenting: a balancing act

How do we persevere in the role of grandparent in the midst of the inevitable stresses and difficulties that come our way? How can we stay mentally and spiritually strong for the long haul to fulfil our desire to make a positive contribution to the lives of our grandchildren?

Press On: the why and the how

Press On Course

Serving in ministry, Paul and Margie Sheely saw the benefit the Press On course could be to their wider church community. Now 40 people are being encouraged to ‘Press On’, as they do the course at Albury Presbyterian Churches! In these videos, the Sheely’s share why they decided to do the course themselves, the benefits they experienced and how they went on to share the course with others in their church.

Press On – Paul and Margie Sheely

Press On – an online Christian mental health course – gave Paul and Margie Sheely the opportunity to dig deep into a range of issues impacting their emotional and spiritual states.

Staying mentally and spiritually strong as a Christian woman

In the last few weeks, as I’ve chatted with a number of women, I’ve seen how adept they are at juggling and pivoting. But we have many balls to juggle in life. Our plans go awry, and those balls just start tumbling. And this is when we feel the weariness and stress and think, ‘I can’t keep doing this.’

Being resilient when we are depleted

‘As when a hungry man dreams, and behold, he is eating,and awakes with his hunger not satisfied,or as when a thirsty man dreams and behold, he is drinking,and awakes faint, with his thirst not quenched,’ Isaiah 29:8 A pretty bleak picture is painted here. Hunger and thirst, restless nights filled with vivid dreams, and awakening […]

A roadmap for the soul

The arterial roads in Massachusetts are infamous for their short onramps and thundering speeds. When I lived there a few years ago, I became skilled at slamming the accelerator before I was sure the way was clear, rapidly glancing over my (left) shoulder and hovering over the brake in anticipation of a car appearing from […]

The scent of water

“At least there is hope for a tree:If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail.Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil,Yet at the scent of water, it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.”  – Job 14:7-9 […]