Devotion Series

Find our series of devotions below.

There are three easy ways to access them: read them on our website, download them as a PDF if you would prefer a hard copy, or register to receive them in your inbox.

Our devotions emails give you Bible verses, with a short reflection and a question to think about, to keep you going with your Bible reading habit each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sign up now:

What do you do when you feel afraid? Fear is a powerful emotion, it’s hard to ignore. The Bible often speaks of fear and offers encouragement. 

What sustains us in the midst of life’s challenges? After two years of living through a pandemic, we all need sustenance that will enable us to move forward in faithful devotion to our great God. The wonderful truth of the Scriptures is that this is not just about us trying harder, but it is God himself who upholds and sustains us.

This series, written by Sarah Condie for The Bible Society Australia, reminds us of God’s character – that he is a God who loves and reaches out, offering grace and words of life. As we rest in the truths of who he is, what he has done, what he promises to continue to provide, and the certainty of our hope, we will find rest and strength for our souls. 

These devotions are available to work through online, or download as a pdf.

This devotion series, originally written by Sarah Condie for The Bible Society Australia, was created to encourage you to ponder the loving deeds of the Lord, so that songs of joy and thankfulness bubble forth from within you. Remembering the character of God and the wonderful things he has done moves us to praise and thank our great God for who he is and what he has done.

Some devotions will focus on small but significant habits, while others will focus on the character of God. At the end of each devotion and prayer, Sarah has provided a link to a song. Everyone’s taste in music is unique, so please, if you don’t like her choices, choose songs that you love.