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Social Anxiety Part 2

Social anxiety woman in a blurred crowd of people

Strategies to overcome social anxiety, build confidence, manage stress, and thrive in social situations with a supportive community.

Social Anxiety Part 1

Social anxiety portrayed with coloured wooden people holding hands

Social Anxiety- Discover effective strategies to manage and build confidence in social situations, support, and resources to help you thrive.

Treating Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a ‘whole-being’ emotion. Anxiety has a very physical expression; it is connected like electrical wiring to our thoughts (it is psychological); it is embedded in the way we engage in relationships with individuals and groups; and it is deeply connected to our spiritual identity as creatures of a loving Creator.

Understanding Anxiety

You might be here because, along with the quarter of all Australians who will experience an anxiety condition in their lifetime, you know first-hand the sense of dread and lack of control that is trademark anxiety. The purpose of this article is to answer some questions you may have.

Fiona’s story

Fiona is a trained Christian counsellor and has worked with people who experience anxiety and depression. But it was her family’s own experience in confronting the anxiety of her daughter that forms her story here, and the questions she’s asked as a parent and church member. Fiona has learnt to more deeply to depend on God.