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Resting Devotion 14: giving

This is the final in a 14-week devotion series on the theme of resting, originally written for the Bible Society Australia. Join us as we visit texts that remind us of God’s character.  As we rest in the truths of who he is, what he has done, what he promises to continue to provide, and the certainty of our hope, we will find rest and strength for our souls.

‘And God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.’

1 Peter 5:10

Our God is a God of grace.  He wants to give to us, not just once, but again and again.  We are saved by grace, but he continues to provide grace each day in his ongoing work of growing us in Christian maturity.

The God of all grace who does this is not remote, and he doesn’t simply delegate to others. He is willing, so to speak, to get his hands dirty. He loved us enough to let his beloved Son take the sin and filth of our lives so he might wash us clean.  An act of extraordinary grace. And the God of all grace continues to give as we seek to walk faithfully in his ways through the ups and downs of life. His hands are tender and he will give us everything we need to keep on keeping on. 

I have no idea how long a ‘little while’ is. 

Sometimes, a little while seems like a long while.  The Covid pandemic, for example, seems to have gone on far longer than we ever imagined or anticipated.  And similarly, the experience of suffering for friends, family or ourselves sometimes seems relentless.  But the God of all grace will continue to give. He is at work to strengthen and sustain us for the eternal glory that is ours.

Prayer: Thank you that you are my God and your heart oozes grace towards me.  Thank you that you are a God who continues to restore and will continue to make me strong, firm, and steadfast.  Thank you that we have a hope that one day, our suffering will be no more as you have called us to your eternal glory.  Help me to stand firm in your grace today. Amen

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