Eat healthy food

‘What you eat and drink today, walks and talks tomorrow.’

Eating well-balanced, nutritious meals can make a big difference to our wellbeing.

Building habits around what you eat can profoundly impact energy levels, your sleep, your ability to think clearly, and ability to juggle the demands of life. 

What we need is to limit processed foods and include fresh foods from all the different colours of the rainbow (especially plant-based foods).[1]

We have many habits around eating and drinking. These include things such as: 

  • Planning of meals
  • Regular shopping that fills our fridge and store cupboards
  • Regular mealtimes and a place where you sit and eat either with your family or on your own

If you are keen to make some changes and eat healthily, start small. Here are a few examples: 

Planning of meals – set aside a time each week to plan what you will eat

Shopping – write a shopping list and then work out how these goods will be obtained – online or in person?

Mealtime rituals – regular mealtimes and places where you sit and eat can assist with eating healthily and mindfully.  

Well stocked cupboards – this will enable you to have healthy options to reach when tired and hungry (such as a handful of nuts). And when it’s time to get dinner, you have the ingredients ‘at hand’ to prepare a meal that is healthy and well-balanced.

Eating well is one way we can take care of our physical bodies. 

If you want help with caring for your physical health, Press On: Building resilience & mental wellbeing provides you with tips and input on how you can build habits into your life that support healthy eating.

[1] There are many resources available to help you understand more about diet and healthy eating. If you want to have a diet that reflects all the colours of the rainbow, the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is a great place to start.

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