Connect with friends

God has made us relational beings and social isolation is harmful for our health. What habits could you build into your life that foster or help you form healthy relationships and friendships with others?

Some tips:

Think of someone you could reach out to this week to connect with – send them a text and suggest you meet up to do something together (such as going to the beach, having a coffee). If you are feeling particularly isolated after lockdown, now is the time to reconnect with others.  For example:

  • Join a Bible study group
  • Join a group that focuses on an activity you enjoy – e.g. bushwalking, sewing, netball.
  • Volunteer for a serving group at church

Connecting with others and having healthy friends is one way we can take care of our wellbeing and building resilience.  Press On: Building resilience & mental wellbeing provides you with tips and input on how you can build healthy connections with others.  Maybe you could sign up and do the course with a small group and use this as an opportunity to encourage one another.

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