How to help others without owning their problems

We are all human and our strength and capabilities have an upper limit. How can we devote ourselves fully in serving the Lord and caring for others without wearing ourselves out?
How we can all prepare to care – MH+PC Trauma Seminar

In recent years, the study of trauma response and its ongoing effects such as post-traumatic stress disorder has escalated, with mental health professionals developing better insights into the physical and psychological suffering that results. Dr Gladys Mwiti, an international expert on trauma, was recently invited to speak at our professional development day on the subject.
Pastoral Care and Sacrifice

The question for us as pastoral carers is whether Jesus saw any other significance in laying down his life for the sheep. And consequently, is there a type of sacrifice which Jesus calls his followers in pastoral care to make?
The Origins of Care

It might seem strange to dedicate a blog to this topic, but indulge me for a few moments. We live in a culture that assumes, or at least aspires to, an abundance of care. We care for our children, we long for a partner who cares about us, we pay people to care when we […]