Understanding Bipolar Part 4 – Living as a Christian

In this final article in a series on bipolar, Lily Stachan shares about living as a Christian with bipolar.
Understanding Bipolar Part 3 – Caring for someone with bipolar

Lily Strachan serves as a chaplain to Robert Menzies College at Macquarie University. She was a fellow with Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) in 2021 and is completing a book on living with bipolar and loving those who do. In this third article, Lily provides insights on how to care for someone with bipolar.
Understanding Bipolar Part 2 – Treatment

Lily Strachan serves as a chaplain to Robert Menzies College at Macquarie University. She was a fellow with ADM in 2021 and is completing a book on living with bipolar and loving those who do. In this article, Lily discusses treatment for bipolar and shares how her Christian faith has been of profound benefit.
Understanding Bipolar – part 1

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness, characterised by extremes of mood – elevated or high mood known as mania, and low mood known as depression. This article, by Lily Strachan, gives an overview of the condition.
Alex’s story

A new Christian, Alex shares how his faith and church community have helped him learn to live with bipolar. He was bullied as a teenager and experienced a variety of manic episodes. Download videoSee all the 10/10 Videos Back to resources