Come and see what God has done
This devotion series, originally written by Sarah Condie for The Bible Society Australia, was created to encourage you to ponder the loving deeds of the Lord, so that songs of joy and thankfulness bubble forth from within you. Remembering the character of God and the wonderful things he has done moves us to praise and thank our great God for who he is and what he has done.
Some devotions will focus on small but significant habits, while others will focus on the character of God. At the end of each devotion and prayer, Sarah has provided a link to a song. Everyone’s taste in music is unique, so please, if you don’t like her choices, choose songs that you love.
It’s hard to be thankful when you are feeling empty. In this series of devotions, I will share with you some of the things that helped change my ‘blah and emptiness’ into ‘songs of joy and gladness.’ Most of these suggestions are small, but they brought change.
Psalm 117 might appear to be a somewhat understated cry of praise to the Lord. It’s so short and bereft of padding. Yet it provides a reason for responding to God with praise.
The Israelites have arrived at the place where God has chosen to dwell in all his beauty, awesomeness, and splendour. And they are encouraged to say, ‘Thank you, Lord.’
What do you remember about yesterday? Or last week? Does your mind gravitate to the difficult and hard things you faced? What about the glorious things? Do you recall these as well?
Often, we think that our experience of life is dependent upon our circumstances: when things go well, we feel good; when life is difficult, not so much. But the truth is that we can find our hearts and minds lifted to God in thanks and praise even in the midst of challenging life circumstances.
When we struggle to praise God, words like those found in Psalm 100 can help. We are reminded of what God is like. We are given direction for those attributes of God worthy of praise that we long to find echoed by our own voice.
“Christian reader, this love story — of rescue, redemption and restoration — now lies at the heart of your personal story. What’s your salvation story?” Read Sarah Condies seventh instalment in her devotion series “Come and see what God has done…”
There is an interplay of love in our relationship with God our Father. We have a Father who knows us intimately, who sees us, hears us, and speaks tenderly to us. In the same way that I speak to my granddaughter, our Heavenly Father says to you, dear reader, ‘I love you, precious one, and you are in a safe space here with me.’
If I asked you now, ‘What does your name mean?’ you’d probably be able to tell me. Jesus, fully human, fully God, is Immanuel, God with us. God with us to rescue and deliver us, so that we are freed from a life in darkness.
My mother turned 90 recently and her six grandchildren filled a glass jar with ninety memories of her. Each memory was an example of her goodness towards them. If you were to fill a jar with memories or ways that the Lord has been good to you, what would you include?
In Revelation, we read John’s story of seeing the King above all Kings. The majestic king of the universe. But what does this majestic figure do? With tenderness and love, he reaches down his right hand and touches John and speaks words of comfort.
While much in our world, and my own life, shifts and changes and shakes, God remains the same. He is unchanging.
At the centre of the book of Lamentations, the writer speaks of what keeps him going: the faithfulness of God.
Jesus has dealt with our sin. He died and was made alive again. We can lift our gaze to behold our Lord in all his risen beauty and ascended glory.